Complementary Colors
Complementary or contrasting colors are located directly across from each other on a color wheel.

Complementary | |
#ff9900 | #0033cc |
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Thus green and red would be complementary colors.
Blue and orange are also complementary colors, as are violet and yellow.
This category of colors produces contrast, which in turn increases excitement or impact. You will usually find these color combinations on game oriented websites.
Near Complementary Colors
Near complementary or split complementary color combinations can be a combination of 2 or 3 colors.
Near Complementary | ||
#ff8000 | #0033cc | #ffb200 |
These color combinations were generated using the free color tool.
To find them on the colorwheel, choose a color and go directly across to the complementary color.
The color on each side of the complementary color is a near complementary color.
These combinations produce excitement.
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